Mydnight’s Hero


You enter the sleepy hamlet of Voshno and ride along its main street, past rows of dusty shops and gabled houses, until you reach a market square. The villagers here are a sullen, silent crowd. Few pay you more than the scantest attention as you ride across the square and enter Shaney Street, a paved avenue that leads down to the river. An arch of pale pink stone stands at the entrance to the Voshno Bridge, its surface pitted and scarred with lasting reminders of desperate battles fought here during wars past. The centre of the bridge is blocked by a rickety cart parked deliberately to stop traffic from passing freely, and leaning against it is a man clad in chainmail armour. He sucks at an unlit pipe and narrows his bushy-browed eyes as you approach.

‘Bridge toll!’ he snaps, and thrusts out a calloused palm, inviting payment. ‘40 Lune … and no arguing.’

If you possess 40 Lune (or its equivalent, which is 10 Gold Crowns) and wish to pay this toll collector, turn to 221.

If you do not possess 40 Lune (10 Gold Crowns), or if you refuse to pay this excessive toll, turn to 254.

Project AonMydnight’s Hero