The Prince’s scream came from the south side of the hall. As you run towards it, your heart misses a beat when you see that a large section of the stone flooring has collapsed. With trepidation, you reach the edge and look down into a yawning hole. Prince Karvas is hanging by one hand to an outcrop of jagged rock some 15 feet below. Over 100 feet below his dangling legs there rages an underground river, swollen by the flash flood.
‘Hold on, sire!’ you shout in desperation, as helplessly you watch his bruised fingers slowly losing their grip.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 110.
If you possess a Rope and wish to use it, turn to 13.
If you do not possess this skill or this Backpack Item (or if you should decide not to use either of them), turn to 326.