You cross the narrow village street and approach the two Cavalian lordlings as they stroll leisurely towards the jetty.
‘Good evening, my lords,’ says Karvas, politely. ‘My friend and I were wondering if you two gentlemen would care to sell us your tickets for the riverboat to Seroa?’
The taller man utters a terse laugh and he flicks his fingers at Karvas dismissively. ‘We’ve waited many years for Baron Sadanzo to come to power and we do not intend to miss his crowning.’
‘ ’Tis so,’ whines his stout companion. ‘We have no tickets to sell and we are fast growing tired of your impudence. Begone, you fellows. Leave us be.’
If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 65.
If you do not possess this skill, or if you choose not to use it, turn to 181.