You are halfway through the portal when the missile strikes you between the shoulder blades. The impact numbs your senses and sends you somersaulting across an alleyway outside the warehouse: lose 5 ENDURANCE points.
Although you have been hit squarely by the projectile, your Backpack has prevented it from penetrating your body. The impact has, however, punched a hole in your pack and destroyed four of the items you are carrying. (Erase from your Action Chart any four items you have recorded on your list of Backpack Items.)
Your landing on the ground is cushioned by a carpet of rotting refuse and canvas sacking. Stunned by the force of the missile’s impact, you are only dimly aware of Prince Karvas as he grabs the front of your tunic and lifts you to your feet. With his help you make a hurried escape along the dark passageway towards an adjoining torchlit street.