You leave the jetty and hurry to the tavern. This riverside inn is in urgent need of some paint and repair, yet for all its shabby outward appearance, its taproom is filled to overflowing with customers. The sound of lyre and pipe music mingles with the chatter and raucous laughter of its patrons, many of whom are river travellers bound for Seroa within the hour. You push your way through the noisy crowd and climb a flight of stairs that gives access to rooms on the upper floor. From the top of the stairs you are able to get a better view of the crowded bar room. Karvas points out two men who are standing at the tavern counter. They are dressed in dandified court costumes and they wear Sadanzo’s eagle’s-head emblem pinned to velvet berets that are resting on their coiffured heads.
‘I’d wager those two dandies have tickets for the riverboat,’ says Karvas, conspiratorially. You focus your concentration on the two men and your Kai Sixth Sense confirms that the Prince’s assumption is correct.
If you wish to approach them and offer to buy their riverboat tickets, turn to 17.
If you wish to wait outside the tavern and approach the men when they leave, turn to 111.