You awaken shortly before noon and, with some difficulty, you stir Karvas from a deep sleep. You are both feeling refreshed after your rest, but there are still more than 100 miles to cover and time is fast running out. You now have little more than twenty-four hours to reach Seroa before the crowning ceremony is set to take place.
Fortunately, the weather is fair and you do not encounter any unforeseen delays during your long ride to the capital. During your journey, you recall Lone Wolf’s famous ride from Varetta to Casiorn that he made six years earlier. He rode the magically-gifted horse Wildwind during his return home to Sommerlund in time to break the siege of the Kai Monastery. Your memory of his courageous feat inspires you to press on. Your only regret is that you and Karvas do not have Wildwinds of your own.
As night falls, your way ahead is guided by the light of a waxing moon which glimmers brightly in a cloudless sky. You forgo rest and push your horses hard, travelling all night to come within sight of Seroa’s southern wall and gatehouse by mid-morning. As you approach the South Gate, you see that the highway ahead is blocked by a long queue of travellers who are waiting patiently to enter the city. Prince Karvas is anxious to reach the gate as quickly as possible, but he is also wary of going to the front of this long queue. The Siyenese, and the city’s gate guards, do not take kindly to queue-jumpers.
If you wish to take your place at the rear of the queue, turn to 245.
If you decide to ride to the front of the queue and attempt to gain entry to the city as quickly as you can, turn to 194.