In the ensuing confusion, Sadanzo attempts to flee the platform and escape with his entourage of robber knights. Marshal Phedros rushes forward to examine the shattered pieces of Sadanzo’s gem, and at once he recognizes that they are the remnants of an evil artefact crafted by Naar—the King of the Darkness.
He turns to the bewildered crowd and denounces Sadanzo as a disciple of Naar: a treasonable offence in Siyen that is punishable by death. He orders the Royal Guard to pursue and arrest Sadanzo immediately. ‘Find him and take him to the palace dungeons,’ he commands. Upon hearing this, a vast section of the stunned crowd roar their approval and sporadic fighting breaks out as followers of Sadanzo attempt to battle their way out of the square. Marshal Phedros orders that the city gates be sealed, and then he commands the Royal Court Cavalry to hunt down Sadanzo’s robber knights, in every quarter of Seroa, and bring them to justice. As these noble troopers eagerly set about their task, Phedros turns to Prince Karvas and hugs him to his chest.
‘Welcome home at last,’ he says, his voice wavering with emotion. ‘Welcome home … King Karvas.’