You approach to within 100 feet of the west gate by means of a drainage ditch that runs parallel to the rutted road. The heavy iron gate is open but the way through to the city beyond is blocked by four soldiers, each clad in a suit of shiny armour made from lacquered steel scales and hardened leather. They are armed with spears and maces, and their shields display the head of a tiger-like creature with ferocious fangs. It is the emblem of Autarch Sejanoz—the ruler of Bhanar.
Two of the soldiers stand rigidly to attention in the middle of the road with the hafts of their spears crossed to bar entry. Their comrades are seated beside them on benches set into alcoves on either side of the open gateway. A ragged white line appears to have been drawn along the threshold of the gate, but when you magnify your vision you realize that this line is nothing more than a trail of bird droppings. On a tiled ledge above the arch of the gateway you can see a long line of roosting crows. They appear almost invisible against the jet-black stonework of the parapet.
After watching the guards for several minutes you are sure that they are all alert and observant. It would be difficult to get past these men without their knowledge. If you are to gain entry to the city by this route, first you will have to create a diversion to draw away these vigilant guards.
If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Elementalism, turn to 182.
If you do not possess this skill, or if you choose not to use it, turn to 206.