Mydnight’s Hero


The voyage to Siyen begins early the next day, an hour after first light. After saying a final farewell at Amarelda’s graveside, Karvas gathers together a few of his meagre belongings, frees his livestock, and then allows himself to be winched aboard the deck of the waiting Starstrider. There are now twenty-five days remaining before Harvestmas Day and the crowning ceremony in Seroa. Acraban calculates that the voyage by air should take no longer than twelve days to complete. This news fosters a cheerful mood of optimism for it means that the Prince should arrive in good time to be able to thwart Baron Sadanzo’s plan.

As the waters of the Sheasu Channel speed past the hull, and the crew of ten young Brotherhood initiates go about their airborne duties, you accompany Karvas to Acraban’s quarters where the Prince is given new clothing to replace his goatskin hides. Acraban offers him the pick of several fine costumes that befit his highborn status, but the Prince chooses instead to dress in the simple, functional grey tunic, cloak, and breeches of a Sommlending journeyman.

‘I vowed to Amarelda that I would one day return to Siyen,’ says Karvas, fixing the clasp of his cloak. ‘Yet never would I have expected to arrive thus—dressed as a Northlander aboard a flying ship!’

For three days and nights the Starstrider sails eastwards across the vast uncharted forests of the Kelderwastes, a region where few men have ever set foot. Your natural curiosity fills you with a desire to learn more about this strange unexplored territory, yet you are prevented from observing its passing by an unending blanket of raincloud which keeps the timberland hidden from view. It is not until the afternoon of the fourth day that you observe gaps in the cloud cover through which you see swathes of dense forest and tracts of dark, volcanic rock. In the far distance you can hear a sound like thunder, and your keen Kai senses detect that the pressure of the surrounding air is beginning to rise and fall erratically.

If you possess Grand Pathsmanship and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Sentinel, turn to 156.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 235.

Project AonMydnight’s Hero