You show the scroll that you discovered in Baron Sadanzo’s safe to Marshal Phedros, and he gasps when he reads the words of this damning contract. ‘By Ishir!’ he exclaims. ‘The murdering cur! I’ll have his treacherous Cavalian head for this!’
The Marshal sends messengers to the high-ranking noblemen of Siyen, all of whom have travelled to Seroa for the crowning. He musters them at the barracks and reads to them the contents of the scroll. They are outraged by what they hear, and they resolve to go immediately to the palace to confront Sadanzo. Escorted by a loyal regiment of Royal Guardsmen, the noblemen burst into the palace and meet with little resistance from Sadanzo’s drunken knights. The Baron is cornered in a banqueting hall and confronted with the scroll, which he immediately denounces as a forgery. ‘This is no fake,’ growls Marshal Phedros. ‘I know your lowly seal when I see it.’
Sadanzo draws his sword with his left hand and, with his right, he pulls a glowing green gem from the pocket of his ermine robes. Your Sixth Sense warns you that this stone is radiating strong psychic energies. Through its use, Sadanzo is able to exert a powerful control over the noblemen of Siyen. The gem flares in his hand and the noblemen, including Prince Karvas, cease all movement. They have become rigid, like a group of stone statues.
Your Sixth Sense tells you that your psychic Kai defences are preventing you from succumbing to the power of this evil gem. You also sense that if you are to break the Baron’s mental hold over Karvas and the others, you must destroy the gem that is clenched in his bony fist.
You unsheathe your Kai Weapon and advance upon Sadanzo. He laughs at your approach and raises his sword in readiness for a fight to the death.
Baron Sadanzo (with Gem of Naar): COMBAT SKILL 54 ENDURANCE 36
Sadanzo is immune to Mindblast (but not Kai-surge).
If you win the combat, turn to 50.