You discover that the door to the vault is unlocked, and so you pull it open and enter a dark corridor which ends at a stone staircase. Torchlight pours down the steps from the level above and, as you move closer, you hear the echoing sound of footsteps. Carefully you ascend the stairs until you are able to peer over the top step. Ahead you can see another corridor, but this one is illuminated by a line of burning torches set into brackets on either side of a dozen prison cell doors. At the far end there is another flight of ascending steps, and at its base there stands an Eldenoran gaoler armed with a sword. You watch this gaoler and consider the best way you can lure him away from the stairs, for he is blocking your only known route to the surface.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 54.
If you possess Bardsmanship and wish to use it, turn to 165.
If you possess neither of these skills, or if you choose not to use them, turn to 285.