Rune War


You continue along the tunnel for several hundred yards until Hulsta calls you to a halt. He holds his lantern up to the wall and you notice that the stonework is changing. A ragged seam encircles the tunnel where brown brickwork meets rough grey rock.

‘This is good,’ says Hulsta, approvingly. ‘We’re passing through the granite foundations of Skull-Tor. According to the plans, this tunnel runs to a dungeon store room, three levels below the surface. We have not far to go now—perhaps two hundred paces at most.’

You are about to lead the way when suddenly you hear a rumbling sound and feel a tremor run through the floor.

‘What was that?’ you ask, anxiously.

‘Ore wagons, most likely,’ replies Hulsta. ‘We must be directly below the West Gate of Skull-Tor.’

Hulsta stops to replace the candle in his lantern, and as he does so, you ask him what you can expect to find when you reach the tunnel’s end.

‘The plans indicate a secret panel which can be opened from both sides,’ he replies. ‘When we reach the panel, I shall stay in the tunnel and await your return. I’ll only be a burden if I accompany you, and I have no wish to endanger your vital mission. You must enter Skull-Tor alone and make your way up to the surface. Vandyan’s chambers are located in the inner keep, and from what I’ve been able to gather, the runes are there also. They are being kept in a hall on the—’

Hulsta’s words are suddenly drowned by a deafening noise. The floor shifts violently and you are hurled onto your back as the passageway heaves and shakes. A wide crack appears in the ceiling and you hear Hulsta scream in terror as tons of stone and earth cascade into the tunnel. Helplessly you watch as your companion is buried beneath this deluge of dirt and broken rock.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 4 or lower, turn to 57.

If it is 5 or higher, turn to 244.

Project AonRune War