Rune War


The stifling furnace-heat of the workshop hits you like a hammer the moment you walk in. One of the craftsmen motions to you to wait a moment while he puts the finishing touches to a small glass bulb. The shelves are filled with hundreds of similar bulbs, and when you pick one up and examine it, you are shocked to discover it contains a volatile mixture of naphtha and phosphorus. The glassblowers are manufacturing phosphorus bombs for Vandyan’s army, and stacked upon their shelves are enough of these deadly incendiaries to raze a small town. (If you wish to take a Phosphor Bomb, record it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.)

Unsettled by what you have discovered here, you decide not to wait for the glassblower to finish his work. Instead, you hurry out of the workshop and return to the street.

Turn to 34.

Project AonRune War