You are four days out of Casiorn when, shortly after noon, the column reaches the outskirts of Quarlen. Many of the mercenary regiments of Anari, Firalond, and Kakush are encamped around its fortified wall and they give a rousing cheer when your banner is first sighted by their lookouts. Proudly Lone Wolf acknowledges their salutes as he leads the Kai through the town’s East Gate and along a wide street which descends towards the River Quarl. The column is signalled to halt when it comes to a large square, and quietly you await Lone Wolf’s order to dismount. This square is located close to the eastern approach to a wide stone bridge that no longer crosses the river, its central span having been destroyed to prevent the enemy from using it. Three Anarian officers arrive on foot and request that Lone Wolf and Gwynian accompany them to a nearby tavern where the mercenary commander, Lord Nathuro, has set up his headquarters. Lone Wolf agrees to their request, but before he goes he orders that you and your fellow Grand Masters secure good stabling and billets for the Kai in the buildings which border upon this square.
Within the hour, you have carried out Lone Wolf’s orders in full. Your own billet consists of a room above a tailor’s shop that you share with Bright Star, a friend and fellow Grand Master. You are preparing a meal when a messenger arrives with an order from Lone Wolf for all Grand Masters to join him at once at the Barrel Bridge Tavern—Lord Nathuro’s headquarters.
Upon entering the tavern’s spacious taproom, Lone Wolf immediately introduces you and your comrades to Lord Nathuro and his captains. A Council of War has already taken place and Lone Wolf has settled with Nathuro which of his regiments the Kai are to command. He hands lists of these units to Bright Star and the other Grand Masters, and then he orders them to go and inform the Kai of their command postings. You are wondering why you have not been handed one of these lists as you get ready to leave the tavern, but as you turn to go, Lone Wolf orders you to remain. Soon you discover why it is that you have not been allocated a regimental command.