You steer your horse towards the campfire and bring him to a halt a dozen feet from where the Eldenorans are sitting. The sergeant uses the haft of his spear to assist himself to his feet, and then he ambles over to greet you.
‘Ho, scout,’ he coughs, ‘why are you abroad this night? Have they no warm beds in Tekaro? Why don’t y’join us and thaw your bones by our fire?’
‘There’s no bed in Tekaro for me, I fear,’ you reply, using your Kai skills to mimic his accent. ‘ ’Tis my luck I’ve been sent to the river to meet with reinforcements. I’d share your fire awhile, but my captain’ll skin me alive if I tarry. Thank you, sergeant, but I must be on my way.’
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 6 or lower, turn to 107.
If it is 7 or higher, turn to 302.