Rune War


You follow the street until you come to a watchtower located at the northwest corner of the city wall. Here it curves sharply to the east and passes beneath a stone arch which denotes the boundary of the city’s Northern Quarter. Beyond the arch, the street is lined with all manner of shops and premises, but not one of them is a cooperage.

At length, the street ends at a tree-lined plaza located near to the northern gatehouse. An iron post stands at its centre, affixed with arrowed signs which show the names of the surrounding streets. They all lead away from the plaza like spokes from the hub of a wheel. Your hopes rise when you see the name ‘Flank Street’ among them, and hurriedly you set off towards it.

Immediately upon entering Flank Street you notice a large green sign hanging above a nearby shop. It is shaped in the likeness of a barrel and reads: The Duadon Cooperage. At last you have found the place you have been searching for, and confidently you push open its double doors and enter.

Turn to 200.

Project AonRune War