The old woman tells you to approach the stairs. Slowly she descends to the bottom step and, as the light from her lantern washes over you, she scrutinizes your clothing and your features.
‘You have the face of a Northlander yet you wear the uniform of Vandyan’s army. What are you … a mercenary in his pay?’
‘No, ma’am,’ you reply, politely. ‘I’m no mercenary. I’m Sommlending, and though I wear this uniform I do not fight for Vandyan. I fight against him. If you will grant me shelter this night, you will be hastening the day when Tekaro is freed from Vandyan’s grasp.’
The truth and sincerity of your words touch her heart and readily she agrees to let you stay. She also gives you a meal of bread and meat and she provides some feed for your tired horse. You sleep well and leave her house before dawn to avoid being seen. The alleyways and streets of this quarter are empty at this early hour and you do not see any Eldenorans until you reach a tree-lined avenue that leads to the plaza of Tekaro Cathedral. The enemy have turned this magnificent building into a dormitory for their troops and, as you pass by its open doors, you glimpse hundreds of soldiers asleep on the floor of its central nave. Guards posted on the steps regard you with suspicion as your horse plods his way across the plaza. Gently you urge him on lest they should stop and challenge you.
At the end of a street flanked by warehouses and guildhalls you come to the city’s south gatehouse. A guard casts a cursory glance at your horse and uniform and, upon seeing that you are a scout, he pulls a chain which operates the heavy oak portal. The gate creaks open and quickly you ride through it and out onto a highway beyond. This broad road runs parallel to the River Storn and you follow it for five miles before you come to a wide cinder track, newly-laid by Eldenoran engineers to service their military ferry across the great river. You recall Rouf’s uncle telling you about the ferry and you decide to take a closer look. You steer your horse onto the cinder track and descend towards a large raft which is moored at the river. There are six Eldenoran guards on duty here, but none pay you too much attention. They all appear to be nursing hangovers this morning and none feel inclined to speak. You ride onto the raft and remain in the saddle as the flat-bottomed ferry is winched by rope and pulley across the Storn. As soon as it comes to a halt, you ride your horse up a wooden ramp and onto a road that has been cleared and levelled by the Eldenoran army through this part of the Grochod Forest. Once you are clear and beyond sight of the ferry, you leave this military road and enter the trees. The forest is too dense for you to continue on horseback, so you abandon your mount and continue on foot.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 4 or less, turn to 5.
If it is 5 or higher, turn to 166.