Trail of the Wolf


The Skryza’s hideous cry echoes in your ears as you break away from the fight and flee towards the sanctuary of the surrounding forest. The creature’s webs prevent you from heading north, towards Gazad Helkona, and so you are forced instead to make your escape towards the east. The giant spider gives chase, yet you are able to evade him with ease when he quickly becomes entangled among the twisted boughs and wire-hard bracken.

For three hours you hurry through the dead forest without pausing for rest. It is not until the dusty ground eventually gives way to broken and rocky soil that you are forced to slow your pace. The distant eruptions of the Kokozritzaga volcanoes seem louder now, and the constant ground tremors have become steadily stronger. You are about to stop and rest for a few minutes when suddenly a violent tremor shakes you off your feet. As you struggle to stand, a fissure tears open the barren ground and a gushing plume of molten lava soars into the sky.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. If you possess Grand Nexus, add 1.

If your total score is now 5 or lower, turn to 151.

If it is 6 or higher, turn to 251.

Project AonTrail of the Wolf