Trail of the Wolf


To your horror, you see a Kraan come gliding down onto an exterior platform that runs around the perimeter of the observatory dome. Astride its scaly back is a skull-faced reptilian that is swathed in ragged, funereal robes. It leaps down from the saddled Kraan and, as it crouches on the windswept platform, it levels a rod of glowing crystal at the transparent dome. A flash of sparkling light erupts at the tip of this rod, and a section of the glass wall explodes into a million razor shards. Instinctively you shield your face with your forearm as the deadly splinters of glass come hurtling through the air towards you, driven by the force of the explosion and the gale-force winds that rage around the observatory tower.


Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 1 to the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 3 or less, turn to 128.

If it is 4–6, turn to 54.

If it is 7 or higher, turn to 36.

Project AonTrail of the Wolf