The fearsome reptilian smashes its way through the jagged hole in the dome and comes loping across the observatory platform towards you. Maniacally, it lashes out at you with its glowing rod, forcing you to back away to avoid being decapitated by its razor-sharp tip. You duck below its barrage of frenzied blows and launch a scything swipe at the creature’s torso. Your blade sunders its mouldering robes, but when it fails to cleave its flesh, your adversary comes back at you with a vengeance.
This enemy is immune to Mindblast (but not Kai-surge). If you possess the Kai Weapon ‘Spawnsmite’ or ‘Valiance’, you may add the bonus gained from its unique properties during this combat.
You may evade this combat after three rounds by turning to 73.
If you win the combat, turn to 100.