The Fall of Blood Mountain


Upon reaching the door you discover, to your dismay, that its bolt is jammed and cannot be drawn across. You can hear the approach of heavy footfalls in the passageway outside, and your pulse races as you scour the chamber in a desperate search for something that can be used to secure the unlocked door.

You find the saucer-like top of a burial urn lying beside Andarin’s tomb, and you jam this bronze lid into the gap beneath the door in the hope that it will wedge the portal shut. Suddenly the door shudders as something hits it with tremendous force. The bronze lid crumples, yet miraculously it prevents the door from flying open.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and have attained the Kai rank of Sun Knight, turn to 344.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 117.

Project AonThe Fall of Blood Mountain