You push open the rusty iron door and enter a storage room which contains mining tools and heavy excavation equipment. This store has recently been ransacked by Shom’zaa’s minions and little has survived intact. Amidst the heaped and broken wreckage you find only two unbroken items: a Shovel and a Pick.
When you turn to leave the store room, you notice a tattered leather jerkin hanging on a hook behind the door. In a pocket you discover a Bronze Disc that is stamped with the Drodarin numerals ‘3–2–1’. You sense that the disc could be useful and so you slip it into your pocket before leaving the store room. (Record this Bronze Disc as a Special Item. You need not discard any other item in its favour if you already possess the maximum number of items permissible.)
If you now wish to explore the north tunnel, turn to 67.
If you decide instead to explore the east tunnel, turn to 265.