The Fall of Blood Mountain


The icy bolt smashes into your shield-spell and explodes in a great cloud of steam. As the vapour clears, you unsheathe your Kai Weapon in readiness to meet the first wave of the attacking Shom’zaa horde.

The horde hit the barricade and the War-thanes fight them with ruthless efficiency, felling ten of the enemy for every Drodarin who falls. But the enemy are gripped by a battle-frenzy that drives them like demons, and you are hard-pressed to keep them from breaking through the barricade.

Shom’zaa Horde (in battle-frenzy): COMBAT SKILL 47   ENDURANCE 45

This enemy is immune to Mindblast (but not Kai-surge).

If you win this combat, turn to 100.

Project AonThe Fall of Blood Mountain