The Fall of Blood Mountain


Your Kai senses tell you that Shom’zaa’s cry was not a sonic attack launched intentionally against you and Prince Leomin: it was a summoning call to his protectors. You encountered one of his protectors when first you entered his hive, and the memory of the beetle-creature is still painfully fresh in your mind. But Shom’zaa has one other bodyguard, and a sudden noise from the wall of the chamber behind you draws your attention to its daunting presence.

You spin around to see the slime-smeared rock-face rippling and undulating, as if a wave is passing through it. Then, in stunned disbelief, you watch the rocks move and take form. From out of the wall steps a creature formed wholly of stone. It has taken the shape of a large human, with fists that resemble two great hammers. It pounds the ground as it comes lumbering towards you, pulverising the surface. Bravely, Prince Leomin raises his axe, and with his battle-cry upon his lips, he lands a flurry of heavy blows upon the creature’s chest and neck. The rock beast retaliates with a backhanded swipe. It connects with Leomin’s head and leaves him sprawled upon the floor, unconscious and bleeding. Hurriedly you slip the Sun-crystal back into your pocket as the lumbering beast advances upon you.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 211.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 310.

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 195.

If you do not possess a Bow, nor either of these skills, or if you choose not to use any of them, turn to 50.

Project AonThe Fall of Blood Mountain