The Fall of Blood Mountain


As the last of these Agarashi falls dead at your feet, you wipe your ichor-stained Weapon and sheathe it in your belt. Then you search the slain minions and discover the following Weapons and items:

  • Sword
  • 2 Axes
  • Dagger
  • Bow
  • 3 Arrows
  • Tinderbox

On passing through the portal, you pause to pull it shut and lock it behind you. The tunnel continues and you follow its central wagon track as gently it descends through the ore-rich rock. After several minutes, you detect a noise like distant thunder rumbling in the passageway ahead. You proceed with caution now, and gradually this low, thunderous noise becomes a series of separate concussive bangs. Soon you catch sight of a lantern-lit hall in the far distance. You stop to magnify your vision, and then you see at once that it harbours the source of the loud explosions.

Turn to 35.

Project AonThe Fall of Blood Mountain