The Fall of Blood Mountain


You warn Prince Torfan that, following the destruction of Shom’zaa, the horde besieging the throne chamber did not go into hiding. He and his bodyguard of War-thanes are deeply shocked to learn that they are now in ‘The Hub’, preparing for a final assault upon the Throne of Andarin.

‘It is vital that you hold the throne chamber until your father’s army arrives to raise the siege,’ you tell them, earnestly. ‘Take heart, brave Drodarin. Elsewhere in your kingdom the horde is melting away in chaos. It will not be long before your ordeal is over.’

Suddenly a cry from the barricade warns that the Shom’zaa horde is returning. Torfan orders every War-thane to arms in readiness to meet the enemy. Then he raises his brother’s battle-standard and takes up his position beside the cannon, and the stirring sight inspires Prince Leomin’s bodyguards to give voice to a rousing cheer.

You take up a position close to Prince Torfan, and watch with grim fascination as the enemy come pouring into the cavern. Then, with a hellish shriek, the horde raise their weapons and come thundering like a tidal wave towards the barricade.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 116.

If it is 5–9, turn to 22.

Project AonThe Fall of Blood Mountain