The Fall of Blood Mountain


King Ryvin summons Vagel, the red-haired captain of his Royal War-thanes, and assigns him to be your guide. Vagel knows a way to reach the throne chamber where the princes were last seen together. They and their bodyguards are believed to be trapped in the chamber, stoically defending the precious throne from capture by the horde. Vagel also knows the location of Shom’zaa’s lair. The creature is known to return there frequently.

To help you further, the King gives you the Andarin Bloodstone. (Record this on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you keep on a chain around your neck. You need not discard another item in its favour if you already possess the maximum number of Special Items permissible.) He informs you that the colours of the amulet will deepen as you draw closer to his sons.

Lord Rimoah will stay in the great hall and assist King Ryvin in drawing together the remnants of his scattered army. They will then attempt to break through to the lower levels and secure the throne chamber. Having agreed the plan, you bid farewell to Rimoah and get ready to set off at once with the captain. Before you leave the great hall, Vagel offers you the chance to visit the Royal War-thane armoury.

If you wish to accept Vagel’s offer, turn to 238.

If you choose not to, turn to 318.

Project AonThe Fall of Blood Mountain