You scramble to your feet and climb across the corpses of the slain Shom’zaa minions that are heaped before the barricade. Strong Drodarin hands reach out and grab you by the arms, and you are hauled bodily over the tangle of barrels and planks.
‘You sure ran pretty!’ says a bearded War-thane, as he slaps you heartily on the shoulder.
‘You just lost me ten Ain,’ says another, jokingly. ‘I bet old Borin that y’wouldn’t make it!’
These battle-hardened defenders are clearly impressed by your courage, and they are not too proud to show it. But then a gruff cry from the far end of the line sends them hurrying back to their positions: ‘Here they come again!’
A grey-bearded warrior, his arm bandaged in a makeshift sling, takes hold of your sleeve and pulls you away from the barricade as the Shom’zaa Agarashi launch another assault. He ushers you into the Throne Chamber of Andarin and, as you accompany him, he tugs something from your Backpack: it is the shaft of an enemy arrow. Your pack prevented this missile from penetrating your spine. (The arrow damaged one item. Erase any item of your choosing from your list of Backpack Items.)
To continue, turn to 190.