The Hunger of Sejanoz


Upon the death of the last Brumalghast, you feel the temperature in this part of the forest begin to rise. The death of these creatures has broken the spell, and nature has already started to reclaim this cursed timberland. Using your healing skills, you revive Chan and then hurry westwards along the highway on foot, towards the caravan. Upon emerging from the forest, you are sighted by Sergeant Yeng. He is leading a party of scouts that have been scouring the tree-line in search of you.

It is nearly dark by the time you return to the caravan, and Kau-Doshin is gravely concerned to hear of your deadly encounter in the forest. He orders that night camp be made on the highway and, on Chan’s advice, he agrees that the caravan will have to travel across country tomorrow to avoid the perilous timberland.

Next day, the journey proves to be much harder than Kau-Doshin could have imagined. The caravan is forced to slow its speed for fear of breaking an axle as it crosses the uneven grasslands. You and Captain Chan now ride the horses that were given to Xo-lin by the nomad chief, Bazan. They are fine thoroughbreds, fleet of foot and highly disciplined.

During the afternoon, you come upon a narrow stream and Chan orders the caravan to halt so that the horses may be fed and watered. You are sharing a loaf of bread with one of the troopers when suddenly you hear a shrill scream of fright. It comes from Princess Mitzu’s carriage and you sense that the young Prince is in danger.

If you wish to investigate the scream, turn to 127.

If you choose to ignore the scream, turn to 296.

Project AonThe Hunger of Sejanoz