The Hunger of Sejanoz


You are about to warn Sergeant Yeng of what you can sense, when the threat of danger becomes a stark reality. Suddenly a guttural cry shatters the stillness, making you twist in your saddle to face your hidden enemies. But to your horror you discover that these enemies are not bandits at all—they are something different, something wholly inhuman.

From out of the tall grasses come loping three long-limbed monstrosities with scaly green hides and dripping fangs. The leader of the trio leaps through the air like a pouncing cheetah, making your horse rear up in sheer terror. You tug your Kai Weapon from its scabbard and struggle to strike your first blow as your horse shies away from this hungry attacker.

Chagarashi Leader: COMBAT SKILL 42   ENDURANCE 38

If you win this combat, turn to 9.

Project AonThe Hunger of Sejanoz