The Hunger of Sejanoz


Chan details two other troopers to accompany him, and then he places you in charge of the caravan’s escort while he is away scouting the copse. As you are watching the captain and his men riding off towards the distant pines, you are joined by Sergeant Yeng. He informs you that it is very unusual for plains ravens to gather in such numbers. You magnify your vision to take a closer look at these circling birds, and your Kai Sixth Sense tingles with presentiment as you focus upon them. What you are feeling seems to confirm that there is something behind what the sergeant has said.

The captain and his men have been gone for little more than fifteen minutes when you suddenly catch sight of one of his men galloping back across the plain towards the caravan. He is waving wildly and you sense at once that something is seriously amiss.

Turn to 292.

Project AonThe Hunger of Sejanoz