A shock awaits you when you wake at dawn. An urgent bugle call summons the garrison to arms. You grab your equipment and hurry up the steps to the battlements and stare out across the southern plain. In the distance you see a large enemy force of cavalry and infantry, manoeuvring in readiness for an assault upon the fort. You are joined by Captain Chan. He casts his seasoned eyes across the grim spectacle and issues an order to Sergeant Yeng to make sure that the Khea-khan and his entourage are below ground. Once they are all safely in the catacombs, Yeng is to secure the portal and report back. Chan summons all of his troopers to the battlements to reinforce Kasarian’s depleted garrison. ‘We will be hard-pressed to repel this attack,’ he confides.
Then you hear a distant boom, and when you look to the enemy lines, you see a puff of white smoke near their centre.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 206.
If it is 5–9, turn to 57.