Having agreed to lead the scouting party, you decide to take Yeng and one other man only. Under cover of darkness, you leave the encampment and approach the woodland. Using your Kai tracking skills, you are able to lead the two Chai guardsmen through the tall grasses without giving away your presence to any enemy that may be lurking nearby.
You are within several yards of the tree-line when you detect the sound of hushed whispers. Then you catch the glint of moonlight on the lens of a telescope, and your senses reveal that two bandits are crouched in a nearby hide, observing the caravan encampment.
You whisper to Yeng and the other man to wait where they are. ‘Be ready to support me,’ you say, barely breathing the words. ‘I’m going to circle around them and attack from behind.’
Yeng gives you a thumbs-up signal and wishes you good luck as you crawl away through the dense foliage.