Once Yeng and his men have departed, you join Captain Chan at a small campfire and share with him an evening meal. The captain is unusually quiet; it is as if he is brooding over an unresolved problem. You ask him if he is angry that you did not volunteer to lead the scouting party, and he replies: ‘No, Grand Master. Not at all. I was just thinking about my family. They are in Pensei … and I fear for their safety.’
You try to reassure the captain by telling him that when the caravan reaches Tazhan, the Khea-khan will rally the New Kingdom armies and return to rid Chai of its tyrannical neighbour. Chan seems cheered by your assurances and he is soon back to his talkative self. You are finishing your meal when Sergeant Yeng and the scouting party return to the encampment. They have with them something that is causing a stir among the nervous courtiers.
To continue, turn to 198.