As you settle down to sleep beneath one of the carriages, you are thankful that you will not have to stand watch during the night. You sleep well and wake at dawn to the delicious smell of freshly-brewed jala. After a hearty breakfast with Chan and his troopers, you mount up and ride with the captain at the head of the caravan column. Shortly before noon, you spot a village in the distance and a cloud of dust approaching on the road ahead. It is being kicked up by a horse, ridden by a man sent ahead by Chan over an hour ago to scout the village and its surrounding crop fields.
The trooper reports that the village ahead has been attacked by bandits during the night. ‘Kronar, I suppose?’ enquires Chan, and the scout confirms his captain’s assumption with a nod of his head. ‘I thought so. That cur. One day he’ll be made to pay with his life, mark my words.’
Chan informs you that this region is blighted by the presence of a bandit gang, led by a renegade Chai army captain called Kronar. He has a fearsome reputation for being an outstanding archer and a ruthless murderer.
His gang has a secret base located somewhere deep inside the Javai Forest. From there they launch attacks upon helpless travellers using the trade road, and undertake raids upon isolated farmsteads out on the Great Plain. Many attempts have been made to bring Kronar and his gang to justice, but all have so far failed.
Chan estimates that the caravan will reach the Javai Forest around sunset. He is fearful that Kronar’s bandits may attempt an ambush, believing that the caravan belongs to a Penseian merchant who is rich enough to afford a military escort. Chan summons his flankers and then he orders them to ride ahead to scout the highway where it borders upon the forest. If Kronar intends to launch a surprise attack on the caravan, this is where he is most likely to set up his ambush.
As the scouts prepare to leave, Chan offers you the chance to go with them or remain with the caravan column.
If you wish to go with the scouts, turn to 255.
If you choose to stay with the caravan, turn to 109.