The Hunger of Sejanoz


You return to the caravan and report the incident at the graveyard to Captain Chan. He sympathizes over the loss of your Kai Weapon, but he warns you that he cannot spare any of his men to help you search for the robbers who stole it.

The caravan resumes its journey and you reach the ruins of Zanaza just as the sun is setting. While you are helping to set up camp for the night, you learn from Sergeant Yeng that this city was destroyed over two hundred years ago by a devastating earthquake. You are preparing your own canvas shelter when you suddenly happen upon several sets of tracks, freshly made in the fine dust. Your pulse quickens when your tracking skills tell you that they were made by the tomb robbers. With the theft of your Kai Weapon still raw in your memory, you resolve to follow these tracks and hunt the robbers down.

Turn to 16.

Project AonThe Hunger of Sejanoz