Chan details two other men to accompany you, and then he places Sergeant Yeng in charge of the caravan’s escort while you are away scouting the copse. The captain gives the order to move out, and all three of you follow as he turns his stallion about and canters through the tall grasses towards the distant pines. As you approach them, he informs you that it is very unusual for plains ravens to gather in such numbers. Your Kai Sixth Sense tingles, confirming that his suspicions are well founded.
As you draw closer, he signals to his men to split up and circle around the copse in opposing directions. They carry out his command as you and the captain bring your horses to a halt and dismount. From here you cover the final 100 yards to the copse on foot, your stealthy approach concealed by the tall grasses. You have penetrated 20 yards into the parched woods when suddenly you happen upon a shocking scene.