You ride in an arc towards the west to avoid running foul of the withdrawing enemy cavalry, and then you circle back towards Fort Vlau and rejoin the caravan as it enters the beleaguered stronghold. Your arrival is greeted by Captain Kasarian, the Lissanian garrison commander, a wide-shouldered man with a ruddy complexion and a large, red-veined nose. Chan informs him of who is travelling aboard the caravan and Kasarian blanches. He and his men are grateful that you have drawn the enemy off, but he is daunted by the presence of the Chai ruler and his imperial entourage.
‘The Khea-khan and his family will need a place which affords them secure protection until we are able to leave your fort,’ says Chan.
Kasarian nods enthusiastically. ‘We have such a place, Captain,’ he says. ‘Please, follow me.’