Beyond the spray from the erupting geyser, you see movement at the edge of the encampment. One of the troopers standing picket duty there is struggling with a large worm-like creature that has emerged from one of the bore holes. His desperate cries begin to alert the other guards, and you catch sight of their shadowy forms slowly crossing the treacherous ground. Despite the stinging pain of your scalded skin, you also respond to his cries. You are skirting around the rim of one large fissure when another worm-like monstrosity suddenly appears. It rears up from this hole and spits at you. Your stomach churns when your senses detect that its saliva is a highly corrosive alkaline.
If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 156.
If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 142.
If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 73.
If you do not possess these skills, nor a Bow, or if you choose not to use any of them, turn instead to 262.