The Hunger of Sejanoz


You catch up with the Autarch in a chamber heaped with rubble and earth. He is ascending the mound towards a hole in the ceiling that was made by the shells from his steam-cannon. You quickly draw the Arrow of Atonement to your Bow6 and command the tyrant to free the young Prince. The sound of your voice makes him spin around and curse you vilely through the visor of his tiger helm. Prince Kamada wriggles like a snake and suddenly he escapes from the Autarch’s grasp. Before the evil Sejanoz can snatch him back, you release your Arrow of Atonement and send it whistling towards his foul heart.

Turn to 113.

[6] If you do not possess a Bow, it seems unlikely that you will be able to make effective use of the Arrow of Atonement against the Autarch. You may decide that you have had a chance after acquiring the Arrow of Atonement to also find a Bow (mark the Bow on your Action Chart, discarding another Weapon if necessary), that you are still able to use the Arrow of Atonement without a Bow, or that not having a Bow leads to a failure to accomplish your mission. Use your best judgement.

Project AonThe Hunger of Sejanoz