The Forbidden City


As the fire rages all around, you fall into the trance state necessary to transport your mind to the Elemental Plane. A silent scream of fear howls amidst images of fire and such is the urgency of your need, you expend 3 WILLPOWER points. The smoke and heat are beginning to choke you and still no answer comes from the Elemental Plane. Urik suddenly slumps to your feet, barely conscious.

Your mind is then offered a strange vision, further evidence of the growth of your powers and the strength of your mastery over the Lesser Magicks. Four humanoid figures appear, representatives of the four Elements of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water, their bodies formed of the Element they represent. Each bows in turn, arms outstretched in a humble gesture. You must choose the Element you wish to help you.

If you require the aid of the Element of Air, turn to 90.

If you choose the Element of Water, turn to 228.

If you choose the Element of Fire, turn to 261.

If you choose the Element of Earth, turn to 309.

Project AonThe Forbidden City