Beyond the Nightmare Gate


The Ethetron is quite unlike anything you have seen before. It has a railed platform, and is shaped like a saucer, except that its stern is pointed like a lizard’s tail. It bears a large glass dome in its centre. Passing through the top of the dome is a single black shaft like the mast of a sailing ship. The single sail resembles a giant bat’s wings and is made of a strange material that shimmers like water and looks like metal but is like fabric to the touch. A closer inspection of the glass dome reveals that it contains a swirling, grey-white mist.


‘It is the raw stuff of the Daziarn, unformed power for the craft,’ explains Crabkey. ‘Without it, the craft would fall from the sky. To steer,’ he continues, ‘you must operate this lever—pull to climb, push to dive, left and right as normal. To draw more power from the glass dome you must press this metal bar at your feet; to slow down, release it. If you apply no pressure, the craft will remain where it is; if you push the lever to the left or right without power, the craft will spin on its axis. Beware, these controls are very sensitive. You need apply very little pressure to make the craft change its course.’

When Crabkey is satisfied that you understand the controls, he introduces you to another Academician, Slypate, who hands you a shining sphere of red and yellow metal. ‘This is a Gyronome. There is no north, east, west, or south in the plane of the Daziarn, nor is there time as you perceive it,’ says Slypate. ‘The only way of finding the Singing City is with the aid of this device. When you draw it out, it will emit a sound if you are heading for the Singing City. The louder the note, the surer your course. To return to the Crystal Tower, the Gyronome must be absolutely silent. It is very accurate: I invented it myself,’ he says with pride. You take the Special Item and place it in your pocket. (Remember to mark the Gyronome on your Action Chart.)

Soon you are ready to leave. The Academicians offer you the choice of the following items to aid you in your quest. (Remember that you may carry only two Weapons and a maximum of eight items in your Backpack.)

  • Short Sword (carried in a sheath worn at your belt)
  • Length of strong Rope (Backpack Item)
  • Potion of Healing (restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed; carried in Backpack)
  • Backpack
  • Spear (carried in the hand)

As you climb into the Ethetron, the massive double windows of the laboratory are drawn open. The restraining ropes are untied and the glass dome of the flying machine glows with a ghostly light. You coax the Ethetron forwards and you glide gently through the open windows and out of the Crystal Tower. You look out across the bleak, featureless expanse of the Neverness with its strange, sunless sky and vast plain of unending cloud. You press lightly on the foot bar and the machine gathers speed. You take out the Gyronome. It is silent at first; then as your machine speeds away from the Crystal Tower it begins to emit a tone. You move the instrument around in the air and find, to your surprise, that its tone becomes louder when you point it towards your feet.

If you wish to fly at a lower altitude, turn to 135.

If you have the Magical Power of Prophecy and wish to use it to guide you, turn to 147.

If you have the Magical Power of Psychomancy and wish to use it on the Gyronome, turn to 152.

Project AonBeyond the Nightmare Gate