They are moving faster now. Some gurgle obscenely; others growl and roar with crazed expressions. It is a grisly host of horrors: twisted faces with bulging eyes; beasts with long, fleshy tentacles or waving insect feelers. A parasitic insect with a hard, chitinous shell hangs on to the back of a tusked reptilian with tiny suckers, draining the reptile of nourishment but providing it with the armoured protection of its own body. All these and hundreds more seek you out, their courage growing by the moment.
If you wish to ride to the other end of the valley, using the high ridge above the slopes, and attempt to close the portal without combating the demons, turn to 233.
If you wish to charge the demon horde, turn to 218.
If you wish to attack the demon horde with a long-range burst from your Staff, turn to 204.