War of the Wizards


With a whirl of colour, you find yourself in a long, grey hall. You guess that you are close to Shasarak for at the far end of the hall you see a door engraved with a large Shianti rune representing Shasarak’s name. Guarding that door is a grotesque creature, a servant of Shasarak. It is a demon, summoned from some ghastly netherworld that only the dark sorceries of Shasarak could reach. The demon has a high, humped back and a square, flat face that bears two blank, emotionless eyes, colourless and entirely lacking in any warmth or feeling, like pebbles by an unknown sea.

‘Hail, enemy of my master,’ it breathes. ‘I have waited for you. My master told me you would come.’

You step closer. With some concern you see that the demon has affected the shape of a man, with blonde, gilded hair. You tell yourself that this is no man, but a demon in human guise. The demon stands tall; it mocks. ‘Why have you delayed? What are your reasons? I have waited so long … so long to meet your challenge. I am powerful; I am mighty! Know you, that I am the Ipagé, greatest of all demons under my master’s command. My power is that of hate, for indeed I hate you, free and unstained as you are, unheeding of the powers that I and my master hold most dear.’

The creature’s tirade of scorn is unrelenting and, to you, quite meaningless. It does not hate you, but what you represent: the wild, free, unrestrained wisdom of the Shianti. Shasarak has taught it that this wisdom is meaningless. You know that this is a wisdom, not born of knowledge, but of the freedom of the spirit, of the soul to follow its own way, sure that a mind without hate or resentment can do no harm. The Ipagé hisses like a serpent as you approach. You notice that its body is transparent and shimmers with an eerie light. The door to Shasarak’s chamber lies directly behind this evil guardian. So far it has made no attack.

If you wish to attack this creature of hell, turn to 296.

If you wish to ignore it and head straight for Shasarak’s door turn to 39.

Project AonWar of the Wizards