War of the Wizards


You summon your mental energy and focus it on the half-running, half-hopping leading demon. There is no time for hesitation: you throw your thought at the creature. With a startled yell, it floats into the air, limbs waving uselessly. Stunned, the demons that follow come to an abrupt halt, gibbering insanely and pointing at their hideous companion as he drifts above their heads. With an easy motion, you fling him down. He lands with a sickening thud on top of his fellows, sending them sprawling to the ground.

They scramble to their feet, cowering and backing away in fear. You step forward with a threatening gesture, but they do not wait to see your next move. Faster than an eye-blink, they vanish into thin air. You are safe. The use of this Magical Power has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.

Turn to 99.

Project AonWar of the Wizards