War of the Wizards


Four distant forms mount a rise that slopes gently away from the Dolani River. As they head towards you, you see that they are ghastly, malformed creatures. Each is misshapen in a different way. These must be the demons summoned long ago by the Wytch-king, Shasarak, and sent as a plague to destroy the Masbaté tribe that once dwelt here. When the demons’ purpose was fulfilled they were left to roam the plains at will.

The leading demon, its shining green skin and toad-like features reflected in the dull glow of the setting sun, gives vent to a feral scream and begins to run towards you.

If you have the Magical Power of Necromancy and wish to use it to chant an incantation against evil, turn to 35.

If you wish to attempt a long-range attack with your Wizard’s Staff, turn to 65.

If you prefer to wait for the demons to approach, turn to 93.

Project AonWar of the Wizards