War of the Wizards


The Shadakine are wheeling large engines of war to the front of their lines: they are powerful catapults. Pinpoints of flame appear. Sado has guessed their intentions and orders his bowmen to fire. The archers of the Freedom Guild send volley after volley singing through the air towards the Shadakine and many of the distant spots of light go out. Suddenly many balls of flame arc through the air above the heads of the men of the Freedom Guild to fall into the trees behind.

‘Hah!’ Sado shouts. ‘The fools are way off target.’

‘I think not,’ replies Samu.

You understand his meaning as you watch the dry brush of the forest begin to burn. ‘They mean to flush us out!’ you cry with alarm.

All around you small fires are catching the trees and in a short time smoke billows in choking clouds throughout the Freedom Guild’s ranks. Orange tongues of flame are licking on every side.

Turn to 351.

Project AonWar of the Wizards