War of the Wizards


You look upon Shasarak’s broken features for the last time. The wall of fire is a portal to Agarash’s realm. His bargain is to take Agarash’s place, to be named ever after as Shasarak the Damned, and to set the demon free. The Wytch-king prefers eternal torment to the peace of death at your hands. Shasarak disappears through the wall and you hurl the shining luminescence of the Moonstone at the portal. A huge shoulder and a splayed, clawed foot emerge as you assault the wall.


‘No, you cannot … ’ the Demonlord splutters in fury.

You battle with the power of the demon as it struggles to escape, and throw the last of your WILLPOWER and ENDURANCE at the flames. You must close the portal! Flames rage around the hall, struggling against the purity of the Moonstone’s light. A great, yawning blackness threatens to engulf you as a hurricane of might whirls from the Moonstone and assaults the portal. You drop to your knees. You look up once more into the raging war of incandescence before slipping into unconscious oblivion.

Turn to 360.

Project AonWar of the Wizards