War of the Wizards


You speak your mind to Sado and for once he does not argue. You mount and you and Samu ride either side of the grim-faced leader of the Freedom Guild. Sado gives the command and the entire army surges forward in pursuit of the ghostly figure of the Kazim as it heads purposefully into the night.


The battle that follows is long and terrible. The Freedom Guild almost fail, but with Sado’s iron leadership and your brave resolve they endure, although the number of casualties is high. The Kazim reclaims its heart of stone, slaying Mother Chowloon, the Shadakine Wytch who bore it. As she dies, much of the fighting fury and ferocity that filled the Shadakine fades. The Army of the Freedom Guild senses the Shadakine’s loss of morale and press home their advantage. Soon, they have beaten the much larger force into a full-scale retreat. The entire Shadakine Army heads north. Sado leads his army in pursuit, turning the retreat into a rout. It is vital that the Shadakine Army does not reach Shadaki, for there they would find new leadership under Shasarak’s hand. They are still a large army and with Shasarak to lead them they could turn the tables once again.

The Army of the Freedom Guild pursues the fleeing Shadakine Army across much of the Shadakine Empire. The Shadakine find no place to hide, for all the cities of the Empire are in open revolt. Each Kazim has reclaimed its heart and slain the Shadakine Wytch that ruled each city. During the four days of the pursuit you are not required to exert any energy or use any of your Magical Powers and you regain 8 ENDURANCE points and 9 WILLPOWER points. Constantly harrying the ever-dwindling Shadakine force, the Army of the Freedom Guild crosses the great Kalamar River and approaches the Mountains of Lara.

The Mountains of Lara contain the infamous Morn Pass. It was through this pass that the Shadakine first invaded the provinces of the south. It is the last barrier between you and the fortress city of Shadaki. With growing dread you realize that the time of your final battle with Shasarak is fast approaching. With his armies scattered or destroyed, it only remains for you to challenge him yourself and ensure that the land remains free. Your trepidation is coupled with suspicion. Shasarak has many powers at his disposal. Why then has he not used them to challenge Sado’s tiny army, much reduced in numbers? Perhaps there is some other reason why he does not bring his full might to bear?

If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy, possess a Temeris Potion, or wish to use the Dimension Door of the Moonstone to teleport into the city of Shadaki and challenge Shasarak now, turn to 191.19

If you wish to continue with the Army of the Freedom Guild through the Morn Pass, turn to 342.

[19] If you possess a Temeris Potion you can teleport without using any WILLPOWER points. If you are versed in the Higher Magick of Thaumaturgy you can teleport by deducting 2 WILLPOWER points from your total. To use the Dimension Door of the Moonstone to teleport, deduct 4 WILLPOWER points (cf. Section 12).

Project AonWar of the Wizards