Fire on the Water


One of the cloaked strangers removes a black staff from beneath his robes and holds it aloft. A blue flame ignites at the twisted iron tip and a searing blast of energy leaps towards you. There is a deafening crack as the bolt is turned away by Rhygar’s shield.


‘Give no quarter,’ cries the Lord-lieutenant as he attacks the cloaked staff-bearer. His sword slices clean through the robed stranger but he remains unharmed. You suddenly realize why he does not bleed. He and his sinister companions are Helghast, fell captains of the Darklords. They have the ability to adopt human form but are invulnerable to normal weapons. The Helghast lets out a hideous scream that tears at your mind. Blinded by the sudden pain, you trip and fall into the dense undergrowth of the wooded hillside. Unless you have the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, lose 2 ENDURANCE points from this attack by the Helghast’s Mindforce.

Turn to 311.

Project AonFire on the Water